ATTENTION!!! The City of Duquesne Water Department will be participating in a city wide shut off of deilquent water accounts. The shut off period will start January 9, 2023 and last throughout the year until the end of November. The City offers payment plans if they are made through the city water clerk. If you receive a termination notice in the mail, we suggest coming to city hall to either pay your bill or set up a payment plan moving forward. You can pay your bill by cash or check AT CITY HALL or by credit/debit card ONLINE ONLY. Utility Providers
![]() Water services, as well as Municipal Service Fees are provided to residents by the City of Duquesne. For service and billing questions, please call 412-466-8535. Water Rates for usage over 15,000 gallons per month are $11.80 per 1000 gallons. Municipal Service Fees are $22.50 per month for single family dwelling unit rates.
Multi-family units with three or more units contracted with priovate haulers are $11.25 per unit per month.
Businesses contracted with private haulers are $11.25 a month.
This fee will show up on all monthly water bills.
Recycling is collected every other week.
All bills for City-provided services are billed on a monthly basis.
Pay for your water bill here (link)Pay for your sewage bill here (link)